275994071_5114637701938393_5548492961619135791_n | 5b54782e-d0ee-4932-97d2-0956fb9e9fc3 | 275940319_5114548075280689_6469097737461690262_n |
36506742_832921380230766_915123759296702 |
Construction and service continues rapidly in our Mersin lodge, our sultan spends most of his time in Mersin, which is considered to be the land of Damascus, and continues his services and conversations here.
Halilurrahman Mersin Soup Kitchen
Koyuncu, Börgeçine Sk., 33730 Erdemli / Mersin
Authorized: Ramazan Yıldırım
Phone: +90 531 465 66 88
E-mail: mersin@halilurrahman.com
Mersin Dervish
Erdemli and Tömük routes
33333 | 22222 |
Bursa Merkez Külliyemiz tadilattadır. Yeni dernek binamız Ufdade Hz.'nin yanında Veziri Caddesi'nde hizmete devam etmektedir.
Halilurrahman Mersin Soup Kitchen
Koyuncu, Börgeçine Sk., 33730 Erdemli / Mersin
Authorized: Ramazan Yıldırım
Phone: +90 531 465 66 88
E-mail: mersin@halilurrahman.com
Çankırı Halilurrahman Sultan Dervish Lodge
Our dervish lodge, which was opened with the efforts of our brothers and sisters, has great services in Çankırı. The Koran Fiqh and Hadith courses are given within the structure of the Dergah.
Main Dergah and Complex
Bursa Yunuseli Halil'ur Rahman Soup Kitchen and Garden of Beauty Quran Course
Sultanımızın teşrifi | Tasavvuf dersleri | Sultanımızın sohbeti |
dergah binamız | İlahi ekibimiz | Dersliklerimiz |
Dergah binamız | Dergah Binamız | Sultanımızın toplu biat alışı |