Hatm-î Hâcegân is the name given to the dhikr made in the Nakşibendiyye sect, especially in the branch of Halidiyye. it was called hadrâ.
During the Hatm-i Hâcegân, as the principle of vukuf-ı kalî is paid attention to, the necessary decency should be preserved, considering that the chain and the prominent oak are spiritually present in this assembly.
Mevlânâ Hâlid-i Bağdâdî (kuddiscirruhu) gives the following information about the hatme: `` It is certain next to the elders of this order that the head of the Hatm-i Hâcegân ring is our Sayyid Abdülhâlık Gücdevâni. It is like a fountain where sweet sherbet flows. Allah grants the people of hathma with countless lights from his own grace and grace, because the spirit of our Prophet Muhammad is admired to the assembly of hatma. The shadow of his wisdom becomes the wing of guidance to the followers in the ring. That is why, while the grandparents continued to remember themselves, they invited others to their councils and reached their goals in this way. Due to the abundance of the father, secret secrets were spilled from the language of these people. When asked about their prophets, it is a droplet of the earth of love. For this reason, Hâlid-i Bağdâdî (kuddiscirruhu) advised his caliphs to continue the calligraphy with care.
Compiling the letters of Mevlânâ Hâlid-i Bağdâdî, Esad Sahib says the following about Hatm-i Hâcegân in the preface of his book Mektubât-ı Mevlânâ Hâlid: 'The aim is to gain reward from reading the reminiscence. With the permission and grace of Allah, they attain their purpose in recitation because Allah is the helper of the righteous. '
Even if Hatme is not a requirement of Nakşibendi, the elders of the road consider this dhikr as one of the sects of the sect. It has been experienced that the benefit of the hatman is obvious like the sun. One of the conditions of the Hatma is that it is done in congregation, because it is possible to have righteous people and whose prayers are acceptable in the congregation. As a matter of fact, the Prophet stated the following in a hadith: `` Whoever wants to settle in the middle of heaven should continue with the congregation, because Satan can be found with only one, but when there are two, Satan moves away from them. there is a lot of difference.
If the hatme cannot be done collectively with the congregation, the disciple can do it alone, but the master must allow it. Mürid should imagine that they are hatme alone while doing hatme in the other, because the hatme is like a home for Nakshi dervishes and they provide many worldly and otherworldly benefits in this nest. .
In the conditions of Hatme, when the rules and manners are obeyed, it shows its effect on the followers in a short time. In order for this benefit to take place, it should continue to be remembered and should not be left no matter what. The encouragement of Mevlânâ Hâlid-i Bağdadî is also in this direction.
Muhammed Hakkî (kuddis sirruhu) gives the following information about hatma in his work named Hazînetü'l -Esrâr: 'Behold, Imam Cafer-i Sâdık, Bâyezid-i Bistâmi, Ebu'l -Hasan Harakanî, Şâh-ı Nakşibendî are the imams of this road. They have benefited from various secrets in fulfilling their duties, fulfilling their desires, banishing troubles, destroying enemies, being devastated by envy, raising spiritual degrees.
Along with Sâdât-ı Nakşibendî, hatma is a very precious remembrance. For him, it is necessary not to be overlooked. After becoming a Nakşibendi, where a hatme is made, the Nakşîbendi dervish has a share of it. There is no fear for a person who comes under the sight of Sâdât once or twice a day.Sadât-ı Nakşibendi does not leave him alone, and our Prophet (peace be upon him) will not leave him alone.
Hatma is a dhikr assembly in which some periods, verses of verses, salawat-i sharifs and certain prayer beads are made.
It is accepted that the Surah al-Fatiha covers the whole of the Holy Quran. This dhikr begins and ends with the Surah al-Fatiha. Therefore, those who made this dhikr were regarded as if they had recited the Quran and read it from beginning to end, and its name was called Hatm-i Hâcegân.
A Persian word, haja, is the name given to noble people, especially the descendants of our prophet. This nickname, which is a title, was given to prominent figures such as vizier, scholar, merchant. Because of being scholars, they were given titles such as 'Hâce / Hoca', such as Hâce Bahâeddin Nakşibend, Hâce Abdülhâlık Gücdevânî, Hace Yusuf Hemedânî, Hâce Ali Râmiteni, Hâce Ubeydullah Ahrâr (kadessallahu ervâhahum).
It is the name given to the Nakşibendiyye sect in the first periods. .
Click for the application of Hatme-i Hacegan on the way to Bursevi and Hatme's Manners