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  • Vird ve Günlük Okunacak Dersler | bursevi

    Vird and Daily Lessons What is Vird? Vird means daily duty. When referring to the Mürşid-i Kamil, he gives the disciple his daily duty according to his nature and legitimacy; this may be Lafza-ı Jalal, or reading a certain amount of the Quran, making salawat and repentance-forgiveness. Vird is a daily remedy for the heart. This medicine must be taken every day for the heart to wake up from heedlessness and heal. Vird should enter the life of a Muslim like the five daily prayers. The elders said that 'a non-virtuous person has no existence' (Eşref Ali Tanevi, Hadithlerle Tasawwuf, 88). In Sufism, the goal is to wake the heart from heedlessness and attain eternal peace by connecting it to Allah Almighty. The first and easiest way to do this is to keep the heart busy with dhikr. Dhikr is the shortest and easiest way connecting the heart to Allah Almighty. The greatest virtue of dhikr is that the servant of the dhikr mentions it in the special presence of Almighty Allah. Our Almighty Lord of the Worlds: “You mention me; I will mention you too. " Even if his gospel is enough to explain the virtue of dhikr. The following holy hadith gives special good news to the people of dhikr: “When my servant mentions me, I am with him. If my servant mentions me secretly, I will mention him privately. If he remembers me in a community, I will mention him in a better group (among my angels). " The following verse introduces us to the true intellectuals: “Those true minded people remember God while standing (walking) and lying on their sides (in all its states and times). They contemplate the creation of the heavens and the earth. " The great commentator Fahruddin Razî (rah) says: “A heart is revived only by the love of Almighty Allah, it comes to life with the love of Allah, it reaches peace with its remembrance,” he says and adds: A servant chants only with his tongue, thanks with his limbs, disappears with his heart in ideas and continues with all his existence. He becomes a real person when you serve. " In another verse, Almighty Allah states the state of those who are always with him as follows: “They are such men that any trade or trade does not prevent them from mentioning Allah, performing prayers and giving alms. They are afraid of the Last Day, when hearts and eyes will turn from terror. " Allama lusî (rah.) Says in the interpretation of this verse: “Many of the people of the Islamic Ummah and especially the Naksibendi elders have reached the permanent dhikr described in the verse and have made the greatest aim to reach this dhikr. The dhikr is well established in their hearts. In no case are they unaware of the remembrance of Almighty Allah. " Thus, friends of Allah want to convey us to these good news by having us make this type of dhikr. Hz. Our Prophet (saas) said: They said, "The best dhikr is secret dhikr." Arifler described the dhikr as the diploma of guardianship. Without dhikr, the heart does not wake up, one cannot be a friend of Allah. Even if it is heedless, it should be caught. The dhikr taken with heedlessness is better and more profitable than not taking it and leaving it. Because even if a person is not aware of it, his body is occupied with the dhikr of Allah at that moment. The Vird lesson can be done in twenty-four hours, but the most virtuous time of dhikr is in the morning and evening. There is no makruh time for the Vird lesson. However, preoccupation with vird should not delay the fard prayers. Vird on the arm of Bursevi In the Nakşibendi Bursevi Branch, the deputies appointed by Sheikh Ahmed Yasin personally give the instructions to work. There should be a continuous dialogue between the Proxy and the Devotee. If there is a change in the state of the devout, if it is necessary to increase or decrease the vird, the attorney informs Sheikh Ahmed Yasin about this. Mawlana Sheikh also speaks what is necessary, no deputy can act independently. There are also daily classes, which can be given to the public as well as private teaching. Anyone can take these lessons, it is important to note only the number.

  •| Mürşit Nedir

    "Follow those who do not charge you any fee, for they are guided." (Yasin verse 21) "Whoever's book of deeds is given from his right on that day when we will call every group of people together with their imams, they will read the books of deeds without the slightest injustice." (Isra verse 71) This section is currently being compiled

  • 7 Şart | bursevi

    7 Conditions There are a number of conditions that must be fulfilled for one night in order for every subject, who is a member of our sect, to receive spiritual training from our Murshid. These conditions are the most appropriate to do after all the work related to the world is completed, especially after the isha prayer. These conditions must be made within 3 days at the latest after receiving repentance. 1. To make prayer wudu with the intention of repentance: While washing the Aza, we should pray, "O Rabbi, clean up the spiritual impurities caused by my sins that I have committed with my limbs." 2. To make ghusl ablution with the intention of repenting: While washing the limbs, we should pray as in the first condition. 3. To perform a two-rak'ah istihara prayer with the intention of repentance: Infidel in the first rak'ah; In the second rak'ah, the Surahs of İhlas are read and performed. If the unbeliever is not known, another chapter can be read. 4. Repentance on your own: To repent by closing his eyes and drawing "astaghfirullah" both with his tongue and with his heart after the istihara prayer means "astaghfirullah" at least 25 times. Eyes remain closed after this moment. 5. Making a nexus in noodles: We can do it as follows: It is to think that our sheikh is sitting in front of us, that the light coming out between his two eyebrows enters between our two eyebrows and flows towards our heart, cleansing our hearts and our whole body. 6. Reading 8 Fatihas to Sadat-ı Kiram: It is to read and gift 8 Fatiha-yı Şerife, especially our Prophet, to the elders of this path. For the names of Saadati Kiram in Manners of Repentance, we recommend that you obtain your Disciple's handbook or contact the attorney you are in contact with. 7. Death Nile 1 Fatiha 11 İhlas-ı Şerif is recited and given as a gift to all the Prophet and His Messenger, Ekrem Efendi and Sâdat-ı Kiram, respectively. Then, the nexus of death is done in a way that our surrogate brothers will tell you. Afterwards, he says 25 Astaghfirullah and opens his eyes, and sleeps without speaking by reaching out to the right side, facing the qibla.

  • Die 7 Rituale | bursevi

    Die 7 Rituale Jeder neue Schüler der sich unserer Tarika anschließen möchte, muss um spirituelle Erziehung erhalten zu können bestimmte Rituale durchführen. Sobald man das Gefolgschaftsversprechen "Bai'a" gegeben hat, werden jedem 3 Tage gewährt um diesen nachzugehen. Da der Vorgang etwas Zeit in Anspruch nimmt, sollte man seine weltlichen Aufgaben hinter sich gebracht haben. Die geeignete Zeitspanne dafür wäre nach dem Nachtgebet (salatül isha). 1. Mit der Tovbah Absicht die rituelle Waschung (Wudu) durchführen Das Bittgebet während man seine Körperteile Wäscht: "Ya Allah bereinige mich von dem Schmutz, der aufgrund meiner Sünden, welche ich mit diesen Körperteilen angerichtet habe zu Stande kam. 2. Mit der Tovbah Absicht die Ganzkörperwaschung durchführen Während man die Körperteile wäscht, dasselbe Bittgebet wie bei Erstens aufsagen. 3. Mit der Tovbah Absicht das Istihara Gebet vollrichten Bei dem ersten Reka sollte man die Kafirun Sure und im zweiten Reka die Ihlas Sure aufsagen. Falls man die Kafirun Sure nicht kennt, kann man sie durch eine andere ersetzten. 4. Eigenständig Tovbah machen Nachdem man das Istihara Gebet vollendet hat, sollte man im Sitzen die Augen schließen und anschließend mit der Zunge und dem Herzen mindestens 25 Mal "estagfirullah" sagen. Danach bleiben die Augen geschlossen. 5. Rabita zum Scheikh Das Rabita können wir folgendermaßen durchführen: Unser Scheikh sitzt und gegenüber, das Nuur (Licht) welches zwischen seinen Augenbrauen hervortritt strömt zwischen unsere Augenbrauen, von dort aus zu unserem Herzench und schließl gegenüber. 6. Acht Fatiha Suren an die Sâdat-ı Kiram verschenken Die acht Fatiha Suren der Reihenfolge nach, zunächst an unseren Propheten Muhammed sav. anschließend an unsere Großen verschenken. Um an die Namen von unseren Sâdat-ı Kiram zu gelangen, empfehlen wir Ihnen im "Murid's handbook" (steht zum Verkauf) nachzulesen oder einen Beauftragten zu dem Sie Kontakt haben aufzusuchen. 7. Das Sterbe - Rabita Eine Fatiha Sure und elf Ihlas Suren werden nach der Reihenfolge an alle Propheten, den Propheten Muhammed sav. und an die Sâdat-ı Kiram verschenkt. Anschließen wird das Sterbe-Rabita, wie von unseren Beauftragten erklärt vollrichtet. Schließlich sagt man 25 Mal "estagfirullah" öffnet die Augen, legt sich in Richtung Kaba auf seine rechte Seite (wie nach Sunnah) und schläft ohne gesprochen zu haben.

  • Hizmet ve Eserleri | bursevi

    This section is currently being compiled

  • Deutsch | bursevi

    Sohbats von Scheikh Ahmed Yasin Bursevi Die Umrah Anmeldungen 2017 haben begonnen Alle Details, die Sie zu unserem Umrah mit Scheikh Ahmed Yasin wissen mussen Weiter

  • | Tasavvuf hakkında her şey

    12933068_1036349933106676_6398610889744798354_n whirling1 12933068_1036349933106676_6398610889744798354_n 1/2 The Sohbat of Sheikh Ahmed Yasin Bursevi

  •| Yurtiçi Dergahlarımız

    Çapa 1 Çapa 2 Çapa 3 275994071_5114637701938393_5548492961619135791_n 5b54782e-d0ee-4932-97d2-0956fb9e9fc3 275940319_5114548075280689_6469097737461690262_n 36506742_832921380230766_915123759296702 Construction and service continues rapidly in our Mersin lodge, our sultan spends most of his time in Mersin, which is considered to be the land of Damascus, and continues his services and conversations here. Halilurrahman Mersin Soup Kitchen Koyuncu, Börgeçine Sk., 33730 Erdemli / Mersin Authorized: Ramazan Yıldırım Phone: +90 531 465 66 88 E-mail: Mersin Dervish Erdemli and Tömük routes 33333 22222 Bursa Merkez Külliyemiz tadilattadır. Yeni dernek binamız Ufdade Hz.'nin yanında Veziri Caddesi'nde hizmete devam etmektedir. Halilurrahman Mersin Soup Kitchen Koyuncu, Börgeçine Sk., 33730 Erdemli / Mersin Authorized: Ramazan Yıldırım Phone: +90 531 465 66 88 E-mail: Çankırı Halilurrahman Sultan Dervish Lodge Our dervish lodge, which was opened with the efforts of our brothers and sisters, has great services in Çankırı. The Koran Fiqh and Hadith courses are given within the structure of the Dergah. Main Dergah and Complex Bursa Yunuseli Halil'ur Rahman Soup Kitchen and Garden of Beauty Quran Course Sultanımızın teşrifi Tasavvuf dersleri Sultanımızın sohbeti dergah binamız İlahi ekibimiz Dersliklerimiz Dergah binamız Dergah Binamız Sultanımızın toplu biat alışı Cankiri Halilurrahman Sultan Soup Kitchen Mimar Sinan Mahallesi Bayram Sok. No: 10/1 Çankırı Central Imaret Location Email: Çapa 1 Çapa 2 Çapa 3

  • Forum | bursevi

    To see this working, head to your live site. Categories All Posts My Posts Login / Sign up Forum Create New Post Yönetim Formu Follow Views Posts 0 Admin açıklamaları Aile Follow Views Posts 0 İslam ve Aile ile ilgili tüm paylaşımlar Halilurrahman Follow Views Posts 0 Dergahımız hakkında duyurular paylaşımlar hizmet duyuruları İslam Follow Views Posts 0 Kur'an, Hadisler, Sahabe Efendilerimiz, Dualar, İtikadi Konular Ahirzaman Ve Mehdi a.s Follow Views Posts 0 Ahirzaman alametleri, Deccal, Mehdi as., İsa a.s Dabbetül Arz, Yecuc ve Mecuc Hakkında her şeyi burada paylaşabilirsiniz Genel Tartışmalar Follow Views Posts 1 Hikayeler, fikirler, resimler ve daha fazlasını paylaşın! New Posts NY Jan 23, 2019 Forum'a Hoş Geldiniz! Genel Tartışmalar Sizi burada görmek harika! Burada istediğinizi paylaşmaya çekinmeyin - hikayeler, fikirler, resimler ya da aklınıza gelen başka bir şey. Burada tartışmalara başlayabilir, üyelerle bağlantı kurabilir, yorumlara yanıt verebilir ve daha pek çok şey yapabilirsiniz. Söyleyecek bir şeyiniz mi var? Bir yorum bırakın veya bir yazı paylaşın! Like 0 comments 0 Forum - Frameless

  • | Şeyh Ahmed Yasin Bursevi

    Çapa 1 Çapa 2 Çapa 3 Şeyh Ahmed Yasin Bursevi ks. Sizden herhangi bir ücret istemeyen bu kimselere tâbi olun, çünkü onlar hidayete ermiş kimselerdir." (Yasin Suresi 21. ayet) Devamı No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. İlmi Ledun Sırları Sign in İlmi Ledun Sırları Play Video Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Now Playing Hz. Ali Yaşıyor Mehdi as.'a yardım edecek 04:06 Play Video Now Playing Resulullah senin benim gibi biri değildi 05:43 Play Video Now Playing Sende dünya sevgisi olduğu müddetçe Yükselemezsin! 01:38 Play Video Now Playing Cemaatler uyuyor, Deccal işini yapıyor 05:01 Play Video No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Şeyh Ahmed Yasin Bursevi Hak Dostun Dilinden Sohbetler Satın Al No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Telegram Kanalımıza Katılın Çapa 1 Çapa 2 Çapa 3

  •| Şeyh Ahmed Yasin Bursevi Kimdir

    Sheikh Ahmed Yasin Bursevi Hz. This section is currently being compiled

  • Hatme-i Hacegan Nedir | bursevi

    Hatm-î Hâcegân is the name given to the dhikr made in the Nakşibendiyye sect, especially in the branch of Halidiyye. it was called hadrâ. During the Hatm-i Hâcegân, as the principle of vukuf-ı kalî is paid attention to, the necessary decency should be preserved, considering that the chain and the prominent oak are spiritually present in this assembly. Mevlânâ Hâlid-i Bağdâdî (kuddiscirruhu) gives the following information about the hatme: `` It is certain next to the elders of this order that the head of the Hatm-i Hâcegân ring is our Sayyid Abdülhâlık Gücdevâni. It is like a fountain where sweet sherbet flows. Allah grants the people of hathma with countless lights from his own grace and grace, because the spirit of our Prophet Muhammad is admired to the assembly of hatma. The shadow of his wisdom becomes the wing of guidance to the followers in the ring. That is why, while the grandparents continued to remember themselves, they invited others to their councils and reached their goals in this way. Due to the abundance of the father, secret secrets were spilled from the language of these people. When asked about their prophets, it is a droplet of the earth of love. For this reason, Hâlid-i Bağdâdî (kuddiscirruhu) advised his caliphs to continue the calligraphy with care. Compiling the letters of Mevlânâ Hâlid-i Bağdâdî, Esad Sahib says the following about Hatm-i Hâcegân in the preface of his book Mektubât-ı Mevlânâ Hâlid: 'The aim is to gain reward from reading the reminiscence. With the permission and grace of Allah, they attain their purpose in recitation because Allah is the helper of the righteous. ' Even if Hatme is not a requirement of Nakşibendi, the elders of the road consider this dhikr as one of the sects of the sect. It has been experienced that the benefit of the hatman is obvious like the sun. One of the conditions of the Hatma is that it is done in congregation, because it is possible to have righteous people and whose prayers are acceptable in the congregation. As a matter of fact, the Prophet stated the following in a hadith: `` Whoever wants to settle in the middle of heaven should continue with the congregation, because Satan can be found with only one, but when there are two, Satan moves away from them. there is a lot of difference. If the hatme cannot be done collectively with the congregation, the disciple can do it alone, but the master must allow it. Mürid should imagine that they are hatme alone while doing hatme in the other, because the hatme is like a home for Nakshi dervishes and they provide many worldly and otherworldly benefits in this nest. . In the conditions of Hatme, when the rules and manners are obeyed, it shows its effect on the followers in a short time. In order for this benefit to take place, it should continue to be remembered and should not be left no matter what. The encouragement of Mevlânâ Hâlid-i Bağdadî is also in this direction. Muhammed Hakkî (kuddis sirruhu) gives the following information about hatma in his work named Hazînetü'l -Esrâr: 'Behold, Imam Cafer-i Sâdık, Bâyezid-i Bistâmi, Ebu'l -Hasan Harakanî, Şâh-ı Nakşibendî are the imams of this road. They have benefited from various secrets in fulfilling their duties, fulfilling their desires, banishing troubles, destroying enemies, being devastated by envy, raising spiritual degrees. Along with Sâdât-ı Nakşibendî, hatma is a very precious remembrance. For him, it is necessary not to be overlooked. After becoming a Nakşibendi, where a hatme is made, the Nakşîbendi dervish has a share of it. There is no fear for a person who comes under the sight of Sâdât once or twice a day.Sadât-ı Nakşibendi does not leave him alone, and our Prophet (peace be upon him) will not leave him alone. WHAT IS HATME? Hatma is a dhikr assembly in which some periods, verses of verses, salawat-i sharifs and certain prayer beads are made. It is accepted that the Surah al-Fatiha covers the whole of the Holy Quran. This dhikr begins and ends with the Surah al-Fatiha. Therefore, those who made this dhikr were regarded as if they had recited the Quran and read it from beginning to end, and its name was called Hatm-i Hâcegân. WHAT DOES HÂCEGÂN MEAN? A Persian word, haja, is the name given to noble people, especially the descendants of our prophet. This nickname, which is a title, was given to prominent figures such as vizier, scholar, merchant. Because of being scholars, they were given titles such as 'Hâce / Hoca', such as Hâce Bahâeddin Nakşibend, Hâce Abdülhâlık Gücdevânî, Hace Yusuf Hemedânî, Hâce Ali Râmiteni, Hâce Ubeydullah Ahrâr (kadessallahu ervâhahum). HÂCEGÂN HISTORY It is the name given to the Nakşibendiyye sect in the first periods. . Click for the application of Hatme-i Hacegan on the way to Bursevi and Hatme's Manners WHAT IS HATME-İ HÂCEGÂN

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