During Hatme, the Sufi should make a short affirmation to his master so that his heart will be awe and peace.
The sâdât-ı kirâm, whose names are read in the Hatme prayer, spiritually comes to the ring of hatma as a hatme. They bring various secrets, blessings and gifts with them and hand them over to the murshi. In order not to be deprived of these gifts, the murshi should be rebelled without opening eyes.
Making Big Hat
The person who has the hatching takes 21 out of 100 stones himself. Eyes close.
1. Imam says' Astağfirullah'der, the congregation sings' Astağfirullah '25 times. The stone distributor distributes 79 stones to those who know the Surah of Insirah from the right. Imam says Fatihâ-i Şerife; 7 people from the right, including the imam, read Fatiha.
2. The Imam says aloud Salavât-ı Şerîfe. Those who take stones reads Salavât-ı Şerîfe according to the amount of stones in his hand. The Imam reads 8-10 of the 21 stones in his hand.
3. The Imam reads out loud 'Elem neşrah leke-i sharif.' Those who buy stones from the congregation read, but the imam does not read them. Imam collects 21 Salat al-Sharifs, takes some stones himself, and gives the remainder to the stone distributor. Distributes from the left for the Duration of Violation.
4. Imam reads ihlâs-ı Şerife aloud. The congregation reads İhlâs-ı Şerife as much as the stone in his hand. Imam separates one of the 10 markers and says 10 İhlâs-ı Şerife. 10 * 100 = 1000 İhlâs are read.
5. A Fatiha stone is given and taken to 7 people who are withered, except for the Imam.
6. Imam says aloud Fatiha-i Şerife. Those who are given the sign of the sign recite Fatiha-i Şerife again.
7. The Imam says Salavât-ı Şerife with voice. Those who have stones in his hand reads. Stones are collected from the right.
8. He reads Imam Hatme's Prayer openly.
9. After the Hatma Prayer, the imam reads it for a while. It is better to read the duration of Amma at ascent and Tabarek at Isha. However, any period can be read.
10. The Imam says' Astağfirullah'der Congregation 25 'Astağfirullah' and eyes are opened.
Making Little Hatman
100 stones are shared. It is determined that those who will read the first and last Fathers. Eyes are closed.
1. Imam says loudly 'Astağfirullah'. Congregation 25 says 'Astağfirullah'.
2. Imam says Fâtihâ-i Şerife, 7 people from the right, including the imam, say Fâtiha-i Şerîfe, 7 people from the right, including the imam, read Fâtiha.
3. The Imam says, 'Salat al-Sharif.' He reads Fâtihâ-i Şerife as much as the stone in the hand of the congregation.
4. The Imam says 'Ya Baki Ente'l Baki'. The congregation repeats 'Ya Baki Ente'l Baki' 5 times as much as the stone in his hand. 5 * 100 = 500 is read.
5. Imam says Fâtihâ-i Şerife. Except for Imam, 7 people from the left read Fâtiha-i Şerife.
6. The Imam says, 'Salat al-Sharif.' The congregation reads 'Salat al-Sharif' according to the amount of stones in his hand. The imam leaves a bowl of stone in his hand, gives it to the right hand, and he gives it to the one on the right, so that the stones are collected.
7. The Imam reads the Hatme Prayer openly.
8. The Imam reads it for a while after the prayer. It is better to read the duration of Amma at ascent and Tabarek at Isha. However, any time can be read.
9. Imam 'Astağfirullah'der Congregation 25' Astağfirullah'der and eyes are opened. Thus, hatna is finished and gets up. Those who are not given stones in the calligraphy do not read anything. They are busy with dhikr in the heart.
Hatme dab
1. A Sufi may not participate twice a day, but can attend to make a hatme in case of necessity.
2. Nakshi dervishes belonging to other branches can join us and we can join their sake.
3. Sufis who participate in the lectures of other NakşÎ branches cannot participate in the recitation of our own sect on the same day. This situation is out of tradition.
4. Ablution is not permitted.
5. When the ablution is broken, the hatma is abandoned.
6. When the ablution of the person who narrows the recitation is broken, he cannot continue to recite.
7. Those whose ablution is broken can make the ablution before starting the hatme prayer and join the recitation again.
8. Sufis who refresh the sect can join the calligraphy even if they do not fulfill the 7 conditions.
If it is possible to supply stones and rosaries in Hat 9, it is great injustice to share the numbers with the tongue.
10. When the name of the Prophet is mentioned while the prayer of Hatma is recited, when the name of the Companions and the names of the sâdat are pronounced, prayers such as 'salat u salute kaddessallahu sirrehu'l-aliyye' should be uttered in a soft voice.
11. Hatme stone is made with a rosary or a similar hard object, but it is not made with a rosary attached to everyone's hands.
12. If the Hatme prayer has not begun to be recited, the Sufi can join.
13. During hatching, eyes must be kept closed from beginning to end. It is forbidden to open. If anyone opens his eyes after being warned, the stone distributor will take him out of the harvesting place.
14. Young children, those who have not yet received a sect, who have not received a sect and have not fulfilled 8 conditions, or who have fulfilled eight conditions and have not received instructions, cannot participate.
15. The hatme officer should sit on the hatme with his back to the qibla.
16. Sufi who has an emergency situation such as an illness can exit immediately.
17. If the hatme has begun, the person who enters the hatma before the hatme prayer will sit in a suitable place and close his eyes and say 'Estağfirullah' 25 times at the end of the hatme and open his eyes. In this case, if the stone is not given, nothing can be read in the hatma.
18. There is no time for kerahat for hatme.
19. If the place where hatme will be made can be viewed from outside, curtains should be placed in open places.
20. In open areas, hatching is not done in the open air. It can be done if there is nobody and the environment is not seen. However, if it is possible to surround the environment with a cover, it should be covered with a cover.
21. Small hatme can be done alone as well as with the congregation.
22. While a single person is making the hatme, he must read all the rosary in the hatme.
23. A single person can make small hatma with a rosary. The rosary does not need to be broken.
24. If the person who manages the recitation does not know the hatma prayer by heart, he can open his eyes and read from the book.
25. In the small calligraphy, the one who directs the hatching leaves the stones in his hand to the stones in front of him and gives to the one on the right. He leaves the stones and gives to the one on the right, so that the stones are collected in turn.
26. While two people are making hatme, the person who manages the hatma reads four Fatihas from the first Fatiha and three from the second Fatiha, while the other person reads three Fatihas in the first and four in the second.
27. If there are more than seven people in the calligraphy, the hatme administrator reads from the first Fatiha but not from the second Fatiha.
28. In the great calligraphy, the stone distributor starts distributing stones from the right side, and the İhlâs-ı Şerîfe stones from the left side.
29. When the hatme prayer begins to be recited in the great calligraphy, he collects the stones distributing stones from the right.
30. 100 hatme stones are used for big or small lines.
31. It is customary to use 10 markers in the great calligraphy.
32. Sufi can do hatme with intimate women (such as mother, sibling, aunt) who never fall.
33. Anyone from the Nakşibendî sect can enter into our account.
34. The knees of the imam should touch the knees of the people next to him.
35. The Imam should not sit behind or ahead of the ring.
36. Stones must be distributed in at least two pieces.
37. The person who distributes the stone says 25 'Astağfirullah' with the imam at the beginning and at the end, again with the imam, says 25 'Estağfirullah' and opens his eyes.
38. During Hatme, the Sufi should not fall into the lure of his own accord, and he should not prevent him when the lure comes.
39. Hands should be handled in a manner suitable for receiving and giving while distributing and collecting the Hatme stone.
40. The one who makes eight conditions receives the big and small hatme instruction.
41. In the calligraphy, a circle is placed on manners. Those who have an excuse can sit differently.
In the 42nd line, the knees should be adjacent and in line with each other.
43. It is abandoned to lean back, left or right or anywhere.
44. After the imam says 'Astağfirullah' in the calligraphy, 25 'Astağfirullah' is withdrawn and the eyes will not open until the hatme is over.
Nobody speaks in the calligraphy, except for the imam.
Elhamdu lillahi of my rabbilâlem. al-Hamdu lillahi hakka hamdihi ve senâihi ve's-salatu ve's-selamu 'alah charitable people of Muhammad and' ala illihi and sahbihi ajma 'allahumma belligh and evsil like sevabi hazihi'l-hatmeti'sh-sharifeti'l-mubaraketi ba' del-accepi minna, bi'l-fadli ve 'l-kerami gift minna, vasileten il ravzati origin's-siddiq ve's-safa esrefi'l-vera Seyyidinâ Muhammedin-il Mustafa (sallallahu ta'ala alayhi ve salam)
And the divine rühi küllin min alihi ve sonladihi ve ezvacihi ve ashabihi ve etba'ihi ve zürriyyatihi ve immigrant ve ensarihi ve etba'ihi and zürriyyatihi ve muhacirihi ve ensarihi (rıdvanullahi ta'ala aleyiletyh ahmaîn) Küllinullahi vâla sâlâ vâletyh ahmaîn Çeştiyyeti wal Kübreviyyeti (kaddesallhu ta'ala esrârehum ajma'in.)
And the divine soul sheikh and melâzinâ and kudvetinâ and the imaminâ and imami't-tarikati bell feyzi'l-cârî and nürş sheikh bahaiulhakkı ve'lhakati ve'ddin, the holy sheikh Muhammedinil Üveysiyyil Buhariyyil ma'-Shah-ı Nakşibendu ( ).
And ilâ rühi menbai'l-mearifi ve'l-kemali seyyidi's-sâdâti as-Sayyid Emir Külal (kaddesallahu sirrahu) Ve ilâ rühilmukbili'aleyke ve limâ sivake'nasi ash-Sheikh Muhammed Baba Semmâsî (kaddesallahu sirrahu).
And ilâ rühil vâlihi fi affection mawlahul ğaniyyi'l-ma'rufi bi-holy azizan Hace Ali Ramitenî (Kaddesallahu sirrahu).
And the il-rühil mu'rizi 'ani'l-muradi'd-duzaliyyi wa'l-uhreviyyi Sheikh Muhmud İnciriyyi'l-Fağnevi (kaddesallahu sirrahu)
And ilâ rühil mutesellihi 'ani'l-hicabi'lbeşeriyyi Hazret-i ash-sheikh Ârif Rivgerî (kaddesallahu sirrahu)
And ilâ rühi kutbi'l-awliya ve burhanü'l-asfiya kami'l-bid'ati muhyi's-sunnah sheikhu'l-mâyihi Mevlana Hazratish Sheikh Abdulhalik al-Gucdevanî (Kaddesallahu sirrahu).
And ilâ rühil kutbi'l-hakani al-gavsi's-semedani ash-sheikh Ahmed al-Faukiyyi-s-Serhendiyyi-apple'rufi bi'l-Imam Rabbani elmucaddi lielfi'ssani (kaddesallahu sirrahu).
And ilâ rühi kutbi dairati'l-irşadi ğavsi's-saka-leyn 'ale'ssadadi es-sairi fillah er-rak'i's-sacidi bellcenaheyni Hazret-i Siraceddin Mevlana Hazratish Sheikh Khalid (kaddesallahu sirrahu).
And divine soul sultânül evliyâ, kutbul irşâd, we have when Sheikh İsmail el-Anârî (kaddesallahu sirrahu)
And divine soul sultânül ârifin, kutbul vâsılîn Şeyh Hâs Muhammed ash-Şirvânî (kaddesallahu sirrahu).
And the divine rühi irşâdül mürşidin and Kıdvetül Küberâ and gavsül müeahhirîn sultanül saint Sheikh Muhammed el-Yerâği (kaddesallahu sirrahu).
And the divine soul heir makâmâtil evliyâ muhyîiş şeriâtil garrâi sahibindenül himmeti vet savings vel explorer Şeyh Gâzî Cemâlüddin al-GumükÎ (kaddesallahu sirrahu).
And when ilâ rühî evliyâil mutasarrfîn irşâdül mürşidîn and discovery time Şeyh Ahmed as-Suğürî (Kaddesallahu sirrahu).
And il rühÎ şeceretül evliyâ sâhibüs sâdât and intercession sultanül asikin Sheikh Muhammed el-Medeni (kaddesallahu sirrahu).
And divine soul sultanül vâsılîn ve umdetül küberâil âşıkîn and irşâdü bil-yakîn Sheikh Seyyid Şerefüddin ed-Dağistânî (kaddesallahu sirrahu).
And the divine spiritual câmii kemâlâtil awliyâil evvelîn ve mecmau âdâbîn ve füyuzâtil âhirîn sultanül saintüş şeriatil ğarrâi Sheikh Abdullah al-Fâiz ed-Dağıştânî (kaddesallahu sirrahu).
And the divine spiritual sultanul arifin wal muslimin ve sirrul explorer and irşadul murshid gavsüs beardyn and sirrus sâdikîn and bi-guidance rabbil world conqueror kinizül ilmi veddin Şeyh Muhammed Nâzım Âdil al-Hakkâni (kaddrahulah)
And the divine soul sultânil sultânil saints and mahram secrets secret esrâril enbiyâ menbaül feyzi and himmetu sâhibil literary vennisbeti câmiul perfection sirriyyet suriyyetil muslimin Sheikh Seyyid Ahmed Yasin al-Buhârî secret bursevî (qaddash al-Bukhari).
And the divine soul külllin mine's-sâdâti ve'l-hulefai ve'l-müridine ve'l-muhibbine ve'l-mahbubine ve'l-mensubine ve'l-müntesibine ila hazihi't-tarikati'l-aliyeti ve sari ' t-turuk. Allahummec'al like merit rewarding mectübeten fi sahifeti a 'financial külllin verfa'biha degree küllin and a'li bih fî a'lâ' ılliyyin 'as well as zidnâ bihâ conversation in cenabi kulllin and efiz aleynâ min berekâti sylliqat and hazard. 'l-aliyeti ve veffiknâ limerzati sheikhina vemtisâli evâmirrihi vectinabi menâhihi verzuknel bekâe bike ba'de'l-fenâi fîke' aâ kademi sadâtine-salikine fîhâ.
Allahmümmağfir lena hatâyânâ veclübnâ ilâ love bi-chatti evliâike verzuknet tevfîka velistikamete 'ala dinike and tatike bi rahmetike ya erhamer rahimîn.Âmîn velhamdı lillahi rabbil âlemîn.

Big and Small Hatme
Hatm-i Hâcegân is performed as large and small hatme depending on the situation of the congregation. If there are 10 people except the imam, who know the Surah 'Elam neşrah lek stain sedrek' in the congregation, it is permissible to do it if there are 12 people, it is necessary to do it if the number is less than 10, it is not correct to do it. In this case, small hatching should be done.